VG & Partners'
The Brief
VG & Partners required a new company website to launch themselves as a new company.
We were tasked with creating a brand that was representative of their values, and the sector that they specialise in (Canadain Migration Employment Specialists).
Being a totally new brand, there was no prior exposure, so we needed understand VG & Partner’s sector thoroughly to enable us to curate content which is relevant to their business, and their audience.
We ensured that the front end integrated seamlessly with their back office CRM to allow for onboarding and management of application histories.
Visit WebsiteWebsite Specifications
Colour Pallet
RGB : 94,191,86
CMYK : 62,0,32,0
RGB : 202,120,176
CMYK : 21,62,0,0
RGB : 157,170,198
CMYK : 40,27,8,0
RGB : 185,221,219
CMYK : 30,0,15,0
RGB : 202,218,173
CMYK : 24,2,42,0
RGB : 226,215,186
CMYK : 10,12,30,0
Integrated Solution
We delivered a solution for VG & Partners which provides front end functionality, with back-end operations and procedures.
All data submitted to VG & Partnes is collated and stored in the CRM, and assigned to relevant employees via intelligent lead distributions modules.
Bespoke Development
VG & Partner's website had to be lightweight and user friendly, without lead generation and accessibility.
Wireframe and design
Given the the concise nature of VG & Partners' business, we could accommodate multiple funnels, which submit through to a only a few data points.
This allows for a lot of bespoke messaging for consumers with a clean CRM for employees to access.
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60 Cannon St,